Baby Steps
23:18:00When I left university I managed to save up some cash to get me through any period of unemployment. I was fortunate enough to get a job pretty quickly, and so the money had a new meaning; investment in my future. I decided to save so that one day I could buy a property. I didn’t plan my savings but made sure that my bank balance never hit zero. This meant each month I added a bit more to the pot, although I was never sure exactly how much. Looking back I could have made a budget and saved much quicker, but I didn’t want to be strict on myself. I wanted to enjoy being in London in my first job, so I didn’t hold back.
Slowly, money built up and I started to dream about what I might be able to buy. As often the case is in the current economy, I soon realised I probably couldn't buy on my own. This being said, I kept on saving in the hope that eventually I’d win the lottery or get an insane salary so I could make the purchase.
However, things took anther route; I met Stephen at the end of 2013, and by March 2016 we made the decision to start looking to buy a house together. We concentrated our saving efforts, and through the research that also led me to writing this blog, we got a sense of what we could get for our money.
I have to admit that although I meant to, I didn't start this blog immediately. It was so frustrating not being able to find something relatable to help guide us through buying out first home. However, I kept notes on every step taken so far, and will share posts on these as well as what's to come.
First up I'll be writing about how we decided on what property to look for, as well as our investigation into getting a